About Me

What doth my eyes perceive over yonder hill? Why tis my “About Me” section.

Ever since I was a wee lad, I loved a good story; whether it was from a novel, comic book, tv show, movie, or video game. I look at telling a good story as a way of reaching out to people in order to help them expand their way of thinking.

I believe any story, regardless of it being in a realistic or fantastical setting, can expand a person’s way of thinking by providing scenarios and perspectives they aren’t familiar with. Seeing how great stories can potentially affect people in such personal ways is why I’m pursuing a career in visual storytelling. I want to leave a positive impact on people through whatever it is I create; encouraging them to learn something more about themselves, people from different walks of life, or the human condition. I find it even more fulfilling if I can manage to make people laugh as well.

Let’s see other things about me…I’m left handed, I break dance, graduated with a BA in English: Creative Writing from the University of Washington, and love mac and cheese.

I recently made a trailer for Wayfinders, a game I was developing. For up to date information about my professional experience, you can check out the PDF of my standard resume. You can also play my (slightly out of date) interactive resume through your internet browser.

For all the people visiting my page because of the Comedy Bang Bang podcast, I am indeed a real person.