Update on the status of my Wayfarers demo.

I've been pretty silent since publishing the demo of my game, Wayfarers, and feel it's about time I provided a brief update on what's been going on with it.

Wayfarers was originally a novel I've been working on. While writing the outline of the first book, I kept thinking about how fun Wayfarers would be if I made a game demo version of it which I can also show include in my portfolio as a proof of concept. Once I completed the demo and published it, I moved on to other projects like short story ideas I had in mind while making Wayfarers and taking a course in writing to improve my storytelling while I wait to receive feedback on my game. However I never heard anything about it. There were views and downloads but no comments. I started to assume that those that actually downloaded and played my game were so unimpressed with it that they didn't bother to finish it and simply forgot about it.  Because of I thought nobody cared about my game, I decided to just move on from it  and work on other projects. That is until I stumbled upon this video (start at 22:56) :

I'll be honest with you, I was on pins and needles the first time I watched this because this was the first feedback I was receiving for my demo. I'll also be honest and admit that I rewatched that segment of my game being reviewed multiple times. Not to sound mushy but I never really understood the idea of "if you can reach one person, than it's worth it" until I heard what this guy said about my game. All the things he said he liked about my game were parts I put extra attention to and were some of the things I was the most concerned about. I actually reached out to TheGameDawg to actually thank him for the review because it meant that much to me. Over time, I started to receive more feedback; people were talking about how they wanted more and they were looking forward to the full version. 

I've been wanting to make a post on here about my motivation to work on this game being renewed but have been so busy with other projects, and life things, that I wasn't sure when I would even have the bandwidth to do so. However, if things go as planned for me, I should be able to get back to working on this game (mostly as a weekend project) by November. Fingers crossed on it being sooner.

Once again, I want to thank TheGameDawg for making this video and the people that left comments and feedback. They're the big reason why I am going to continue working on this game.