An Opportunity to Write Interactive Fiction

A couple weeks ago, a story pitch I submitted for an interactive fiction (IF) mobile game got accepted. As a person pursuing a career in writing and narrative design, this is a great opportunity for me. But this also means I have to make the difficult decision of not working on Wayfarers until the story is finished. Their standard deadline to complete a story can take around a few months but given my experience in the game industry, the timeline can vary. Here's hoping though.

Aside from this being very beneficial for my career, this interruption feels serendipitous. Although writing the dialogue and putting together cutscenes are what I enjoy the most in game development, I was getting more and more stressed out with it. Most likely because I have such high expectations of myself to do well in those fields. This perfectionism anxiety mixed with imposter syndrome started to turn my enthusiasm to work on Wayfarers into apprehension. I'm hoping this time on a different project will not only give me a break from Wayfarers but also will help me grow as a writer and build a stronger resolve in dealing with these demons of doubt.

The story of Wayfarers is something that is always somewhere in the back of my mind; from thinking of silly one liners to major events. I want nothing more than to extract it from my head in any way so the world can see this fantastic world I've created and cultivated. So I don't want anyone to think there's any chance of Wayfarers getting shelved and then eventually getting forgotten. Instead, I want everyone to see my little break away from Wayfarers as a sidequest that I'm doing in order to gain some XP in order to be a better story teller and developer for the main quest.