Endless Runner Completed

When the lockdown was enacted, about 4 months ago, I decided to use that time to learn how to use the Unreal Engine. I thought the best way for me to learn was to first follow a tutorial on how to make a (relatively) simple endless runner type game. Instead of making a clone of the game from the tutorial, I thought it would be another great learning experience to learn how to make a more personalized game.

​To make sure I wasn't stuck in a limbo of chasing perfection, I gave myself a deadline (end of June) and compiled a plan on what I kind of endless runner I could make in that time frame. I learned very quickly that scope was a very important thing to keep in mind when restricted to a finite amount of time; there were a lot of things I had to cut out from my original concept of the game. Regardless of this game being more of a prototype/proof of concept, I'm still very proud that we were able to complete our goal with a couple days to spare.  Oh right, I wasn't the only one that worked on this game. My good friend Huy​, an amazing concept designer/ illustrator, ​made the assets and designed the UI.