Learning How to Use Unreal

So it’s been quite a while since I updated my blog. But not because I was taking a break from pursuing my career in writing and narrative design; far from it, actually. I recently took up learning how to use the Unreal Engine 4, a powerful game engine that has a nifty visual scripting system called “Blueprint”. I first made a kind of tutorial sample for an FPS type game. Here is a video of what I made:

Fun fact: I did the sound effect for the transwarp and gun fire with my voice.

Since making the sample wasn’t too difficult, although still with a few challenges here and there, I decided to work on an endless runner type game for it (along with my current game, Wayfarers).

I try not to clutter my blog with little updates so I recently made an Instagram page as a kind of devlog. In case you’d like to keep track of my progress on my game, you can do so here.

Byron Donaldson