Endless Runner Update

I’ve made some significant progress on my endless runner (which I decided to give the code name “Little Nemo”) so I figured it’d be good to show what I have so far. If you’d like to see more frequent updates, you can check out the Instagram account I made for it.

Right now I’m using mostly default assets since my current focus is getting the foundation of the game itself down. This is what I’ve been working on so far:

  • Max speed for running and rate of acceleration

  • Creating procedurally generated floors with different setups

  • Items, obstacles, and enemies to be included in the game

  • Spawn points for items, obstacles, and enemies

  • Balancing rate of spawning between items, obstacles, and enemies

  • Player abilities (double jump, projectile attack, cool down for projectiles, etc.)

  • In-game store (NOT involving real money)

  • Ensuring save states work properly (store purchases, high scores, game completion, etc.)

Although there are a lot of things that still need to be done, here are some things I plan on working on next:

  • Parallax background

  • Different types of enemies

  • Including more variety with procedural floors (different platform layouts and spawning)

  • Including one or two more abilities that can be purchased through the store

  • Optimizing player projectile speed