Unpublished Romance Visual Novel Script

A few weeks ago I was asked to write up scripts for a romance based interactive fiction game. Along with character bios and a general idea of what the story was about, they gave me 4 scenes from different chapters of the story to write with a surprisingly low word limit.

Sadly, my scenes weren’t selected. However, I not only enjoyed the challenge of writing with such a low word limit but am also actually proud of what I wrote. So I’m going to show what I wrote in classic interactive fiction form. Of course to avoid any potential legal ramifications, I changed the name of all the characters and have to be a little ambiguous with the story along with the description of each scene.

(Ambiguous) Plot: You’re a greenhorn journalist who has been working for a well known newspaper for almost a year. You are partnered with the paper’s top journalist, Sam, and photographer, Roy, to uncover a corporation’s big scandal. In your pursuit of exposing the corporation, you find yourself in a love triangle between the two.

Click on any of the buttons below to check out each scene. Enjoy!