Posts tagged rpg
Rough Draft on Perry's Intro Scene

Here's an updated video of the scene I previously posted. If you played my RPG Maker demo, you'll hopefully recognize this scene. I'm getting more familiar with how the Unreal Engine works so I wanted to add a few things like visual effects and camera work. I also figured out how to trigger dialogue in the game (very different from how they're put in the sequencer/cutscene in the beginning). Next will be including choices and occasional branching dialogue.

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Semi Greybox Level Design and A Salutation

Some dev friends of mine gave me a great suggestion to greybox/block-out my town. For those of you that are unfamiliar with greyboxing, like I was before my friends explained it to me, it's where you create the layout of a level with blocks (usually grey ones) to not only see how the level looks but also how it feels when having your character run around it. Since I had some preset buildings in my assets, I figured it would be a little better than just using blocks.

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