Posts in Video Games
The Quest for a Functional Dialogue System

For about a month, I've been trying to figure out how to make a dialogue system for my game. Back when I was making the game with RPG Maker, it was as simple as pressing the right buttons to put together the functions I needed. But sadly, Unreal isn't as simple. The reason why it's been taking me so long to figure out how to put this system together is because there are 5 main functions/mechanics I want it to have:

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Semi Greybox Level Design and A Salutation

Some dev friends of mine gave me a great suggestion to greybox/block-out my town. For those of you that are unfamiliar with greyboxing, like I was before my friends explained it to me, it's where you create the layout of a level with blocks (usually grey ones) to not only see how the level looks but also how it feels when having your character run around it. Since I had some preset buildings in my assets, I figured it would be a little better than just using blocks.

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Finished Pilot Episodes and Major Changes for Wayfarers

So yeah, first big change is renaming Wayfarers to Wayfinders. I'm not sure if anyone cares to here the detailed explanation of why so I'll just say the story will get to a certain point where "Wayfarers" wouldn't fit. This being an RPG about adventure, discovery, and other adjectives about exploration, "Wayfinders" seemed like a better fit for the story as a whole. If this name change has left you lightheaded, then you may want to take a seat for the next part.

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Heritage Published On Interactive Fiction App

As mentioned in my previous post, I put aside Wayfarers to work on another project. I didn't go into detail about the project since I wasn't sure about what I could and couldn't say in regards to NDA. However, some recent events have made it pretty clear that I can talk about it now.

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